Mixer and Speaker Output Signal Flow Options
Synced Up has compiled 3 options for output routing based on some common speaker systems in the marching arts!
Main L/R
Straightforward setup, minimized need for complex routing.
Avoids need for utilizing auxiliary outputs for sub outputs, simplifying connection points and reduces risk or error.
Most subs have built-in crossovers, which help filter out higher frequencies automatically, allowing the Main LR outputs to provide a full-range frequency signal while the subs only amplify the low frequencies.
Ensures phase coherence between the subs and mains, reducing issues of phasing or phase cancellation.
Frees up auxiliary outputs for other purposes like in ear monitors/synth monitors.
Overall balance control for both mains and subs from the mixer's main output fader, simplifying macro adjustments during a live performance.
Fine tuning of the mains and subs can be done on the individual speaker's gain/volume controls.
Main L/R + Independent Sub L/R
Sub volume and balance control independent of the Main L/R mix that is feeding only your main speakers.
Adaptability to adjust sub mix balance based on content elements feeding the subs (ex: bass guitar, drum set kick/toms, samples/effects/synths).
Helps reduce low frequency "muddy" build up by sending only low frequency-specific elements.
Ability to program an crossover within the board for both the subs and mains, helping filter unwanted frequencies from the source.
Better overall gain structure management, preserving headroom in the mains, and utilizing a more efficient internal gain structuring in the mixer.
Allows for better feedback management during problematic moments and live mixing situations.
While aux-fed subs offer great flexibility, there are a few considerations to ensure optimal performance:
Crossover Management: Ensure that the crossover point between the mains and subs is well-defined to avoid frequency overlap. You can find the speaker's natural crossover in the user manual.
Aux Send Type: Use pre-fader or post-fader aux sends as appropriate. Pre-fader aux sends give you independent subwoofer level control, separate from the main mix, while post-fader sends allow sub levels to track and follow adjustments in the main mix.
Mixer Outputs: Ensure your mixer has sufficient auxiliary outputs available (2 needed for a stereo L/R Sub Mix).
Main L/R + Independent Sub L/R + Independent Center Fill L/R
Main Speakers (Main L/R): Main LR Mix feeds main speakers for the overall audience coverage.
Subs (Aux Mix 1/2): Mix 1/2 feeds L/R subs, feeding only filter low frequency information from elements like bass guitar, drum set kick and toms, synth/effects/other electronics.
Center Fill Speakers (Aux Mix 3/4): Mix 3/4 feeds L/R center fill speakers, providing independent volume and balance control for a mix that can replicate you main mix (post-fader) or independent from your main mix (pre-fader), addressing coverage gaps from your mains if replicating your main mix, or providing a separate field-specific mix for staff/judges.